Tuesday, August 25, 2009

super colliding post.

well here i sit.
alone, and kind of cold.
i can't stop thinking about what is going to happen.
not particularly with me, more so fate on a grander scale.
i can't help but thinking about the large hadron collider.
the particle accelerator.
in short, it is a particle accelerator on fucking steroids.
i cant even give a definate reason for why the super collider perplexes me so.
i think i am in complete awe of it.
of the fact that 52 years ago (fiftey one years ago is when dr. finkelstein's exposed that the schwarzchild surface[half of which finkelstein penned himself] {r= 2m} to infact, not be a singularity, but rather a perfectly random membrane. an unknown entity lurking in space), the very theory of a black hole, was absurd at best.
but thanks to finkelstein and schwarzchild, the theory was birthed, but ridiculed.
but like einstein said [the man who created quantom mechanics, but loathed its existence]
if at first a theory is not abusrd, then there is not hope for it.

i guess albeit as im typing this. as i, zachary **** is listening to takaru and talking to his girlfriend, micro black holes are being created.
terrestrial fucking black holes are birthed, then fading out of existence.

im most likely going to be majoring in theoretical physics. so get used to posts like this.

-you have been warned.

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